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Foundation for Women and Children Enslaved in War (WCEW) will make widely available to interested parties and the public several services and products related to our two main programs:  1) Capacity Building and 2) Research and Publications.  Resources include the following:

Capacity Building Focused on Securing External Resources

Grant Development Program — Training and Consultation.  WCEW is sponsoring a free-of-charge grant development program for non-profit organizations that directly serve victims and survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. 

WCEW provides this service to partner organizations that have attended our Zoom-based grant writing training program (also free) and have a need and an interest in submitting grant proposals to funding sponsors.  We work with partners through all stages of grant development, from identifying sponsors, to writing letters of intent, to writing, submitting, and (if necessary) revising grant proposals to foundation, corporate, and/or public sector agencies.    

We also partner with organizations in efforts to secure smaller-scale donations for projects or to enhance in-kind support.  Our goal is to help organizations develop their capacity to obtain new resources for their programs that can sustain the organizations over time. 

Small grants to strengthen organizational self-assessment may be available.  These small grants support projects that embed assessment aimed at program enhancement.  For more information on capacity building initiatives, contact Marietta Baba or Dawn Lehman.

Research and Publication

WCEW Annotated Bibliography on Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in North America (version 4.0)

WCEW and its partners have created a summary of literature on human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) in North America, with publication between 2015 and 2023.  This summary is in the form of an Annotated Bibliography providing original summaries of 158 empirical papers, reports, and books.  The purpose of this summary is to support the writing of grant proposals and service delivery enhancement.

Documentaries, Docuseries, and Docudramas on Human Trafficking and CSE in the United States and Canada

List of documentaries, with original summaries and available streaming service

Research Papers on Human Trafficking and CSE

Baba, Marietta L., Christina Tipton, Gergana Danailova-Trainor, Kelsey Morgan, and Richard Matthew.  Understanding Re-Trafficking in the United States:  Why Do We Have a Revolving Door?  2023.  In:  Human Trafficking:  A Global Emergency – Perspectives in Nursing, Criminal Justice, and the Social Sciences.  Mary De Chesnay and Donna Sabella, editors.  Chapter 11.  Springer Nature. 

Interviews and Case Studies

WCEW conducts interviews and develops case studies on human trafficking and social services needed to support survivors.  These research materials are developed in collaboration with partner organizations, community leaders, and survivor leaders.  To facilitate dissemination of information contained in these research materials, selected interviews and case studies are available with permission of participating individuals.  If you are interested in receiving a selected interview or case study, please contact Marietta Baba for further information. 

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